Change of Facility Access

In response to the recent declaration of a "Local Health Emergency" we have responded by implementing the following restrictions upon those wishing to enter the facility. These actions are necessary to protect our residents and staff. At this time, it is preventative only and subject to change as the health emergency conditions dictate.

All entry points to the facility will be locked.

Although we are discouraging it, entry will be allowed at the Main (front) Doors on Eucalyptus Street between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM by
immediate family members only.

All members of the public should be prepared to be screened as only those cleared will be admitted.

This shall be effective until further notice.

We ask that if you have or have recently had a fever, a cough, shortness of breath, or symptoms of the flu, please seek medical attention. You will not be admitted if it appears that you may have any of these symptoms.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but feel that it is the responsible action to take.
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